Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church!

We are so happy that you found us. Trinity is a hometown church in Brainerd, Minnesota, that feels like a true home! Our members are like family and we'd like you to experience that feeling with us as well. You are invited to find out more about our church.

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Trinity’s Radio Broadcast Ministry
70 Years Strong on KVBR1340 AM Radio

Trinity has been broadcasting over radio waves for 70 years! We hope you will help continue this important ministry. Consider sponsoring a radio broadcast. A radio broadcast cost $80 per week. Consider honoring or memorializing someone with this gift to Trinity. You can request certain weeks of the year too!



To sponsor a radio broadcast, click here.
Lent at Trinity
As we enter this season of reflection and penitence join us for the many activities we have happening.
Lent 2025 Schedule and Events
Holy Week Schedule at Trinity
Join us for worship during Holy Week.

April 13  Palm Sunday
Worship 9:00AM
Breakfast following worship


April 17 Maundy Thursday
Worship 7:00PM


April 18 Good Friday
Worship 7:00OPM
(11:00AM at Bethlehem)


April 20 Easter Sunday
6:30AM Sunrise Service
9:00AM Festival Worship

Worship Service
Sundays at 9:00am
Wednesdays 6:15pm
1420 South Sixth Street 
Brainerd, MN 56401